Covid-19 [OLD]



The individual responsibility of all users of public transport services, it is essential to ensure the spacing interpersonal or otherwise to the estate of the correct behavior even in cases where it is allowed the exception to the distancing of one meter on the basis of specific requirements, the implementation of proper sanitation, as well as to prevent behaviors that may increase the risk of infection. A clear and simple communication in any context (railway stations, subways, airports, bus stations, means of transport, etc.), through panels to mobile information, it is essential to communicate the necessary rules of conduct in the use of means of transport.

Misure di carattere generale per il contenimento del contagio da covid-19:
    Si richiama, altresì, il rispetto delle sotto elencate disposizioni, valide per tutte le modalità di trasporto:

● The sanitization and disinfection of premises, means of transport and means of job should include all of the parts frequented by travellers and/or workers and be carried out with the modalities defined by the specifications in the circular of the Ministry of Health and the national Institute of Health.
● In railway stations, bus stations, in airports, in ports and on the means of long-distance transport it is necessary to install dispensers containing disinfectant solutions for the use of passengers.
● On the subways, on buses and on all means of local public transport, must be installed, even in a gradual manner, focusing on the means of transport most used by users, special dispenser for the distribution of hydroalcoholic solutions for frequent cleansing of the hands;
● At the entrance and stay in the places of access to the system of public transport (railway stations, bus stations, bus stops etc) and inside the means of transport, it is mandatory to wear a mask of the community, for the protection of the nose and mouth.
● It is necessary to encourage the sale of tickets with telematics systems.
● In stations or ticketing places, it is advisable to install points of sale and distributors of safety devices.
● Measures must be taken to manage passengers and operators in the event that a body temperature above 37.5 ° C is ascertained.
● Must be adopted systems of information and disclosure, in places of transit of the user, relating to
correct use of personal protective equipment, as well as on the behaviours that the same user is obliged to keep the inside of the railway stations and bus stations, airports, ports and places of waiting, in the phase of ascent and descent from the means of transport and during transport the same.
● Must be adopted management measures, where necessary, regulation of access to the main stations and bus stations, airports, ports in order to avoid crowding, and every possible occasion, contact, ensuring the observance of the distance interpersonal minimum of one meter.
● Must be taken organizational measures, with the preparation of specific operational plans, aimed to limit any possible chance of contact in the phase of ascent and descent from the means of transport, in the movements inside of the main stations and bus stations, airports and ports, in areas designated for parking of a passenger and while waiting for the means of transport, ensuring the observance of the distance interpersonal minimum of one meter, excluding from such limitation, accompanied minors and blind, if accompanied by a person who lives in the same housing unit. For the blind are not accompanied by the person who lives in the same housing unit, must be accompanied by an appropriate organization of the service in order to ensure the usability of the same service, while ensuring the safety of healthcare.
● Must be provided by the companies service management forms of communication, on any means of transport, on the correct use of personal Protective equipment.
● The distance of a meter is not required in the case of persons living in the same housing unit, as well as between the joint and the people who maintain interpersonal relationships that are stable, In any phase of verification of the violation of the requirement of the material interpersonal, may be made self-declaration of the existence of the aforementioned quality, here are some examples: spouse, family, and the like in a straight line, and the collateral is not living, but with stable attendance; people, not bound by the bond of kinship, affinity, or of the spouse, who share usually the same places. This is also a reason for the possible tracking of contacts between the subjects mentioned above.

Recommendations to all users of public transport services:

● Use masks when you can't keep the distance at any place.
● Do not use public transport if you have symptoms of acute respiratory infection (fever, cough, the common cold).
● To purchase, where possible, the ticket in electronic format, on-line or via the app.
● Follow the signs and routes indicated inside the stations or stops, always keeping a distance of at least one meter from other people.
● Use the vehicle access doors indicated for getting on and off, always respecting the interpersonal safety distance of one meter.
● Sit only in permitted places, keeping a distance from other occupants where required.
● Avoid to approach and ask for information to the driver.
● In the course of the journey, sanitize frequently your hands and avoid touching your face.
● If there is any doubt about the person has been in contact with infected persons, contact the competent local authorities.

For further clarifications, please refer to the page relating to general information on Covid-19 of the Campania Region.

Link: (External Link)

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